with all my heart

Can there be any holiday greater than one
that contains Giving and Thanks!

Every day I count my blessings,
from the moment my eyes open and see the trees
under the various palates of the immense sky,
watch the squirrels chase each other with
not a care in the world.
I hold immense thanks for the
plenitude of opportunities
to learn, create, share, grow, share community 
and strive to be a love warrior for the best world possible.

"Oh, so lucky GG" as my grandson says;-)
..so thank YOU for being part of this 
beauty and wonder I see and feel, no matter what. 
Whatever I can do for you, I'm here.

behind the scenes..

Here are a couple of projects we're getting to work on in the studio. 
Feels like Santa and all the Deities got together and created this studio. 

Since creating the Abacus Mala I felt it was only right to create an Abacus Rosary.

 It's made of tiger wood and silver with the counter beads 
having the same kinetic movement as the Abacus Malas.
Next cast the cross then deeply reflect what words of wisdom 
or grace will service us best. Maybe find a space for a piece of kyanite;-)

The other project that I have been hankering to do for a long time, 
and yes nudged by lots of requests is meditation rings. Here is the beginning. 
The masters you see in brass are made from recycling our old 
watch bands from a previous line. What fun. The water carved spinner ring is 
the same as the Tam ring and the prayer spinner ring needs to be cast. 
We'll offer them in mixed alloys. 
We are in love..
Myself and sweet team at the studio wish you the most
delightful Thanksgiving you've ever known.

with love~ always

ps. I'll be playing in the studio on Monday, 
if you find yourself roaming around the Queen West area, 
come visit the gallery.

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Also in Mindful Necessities ~ Blog


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