What could you possible create?

Happiest of Sundays to you this day. Wherever you are or whatever you find yourself doing at the moment, give yourself a hug for showing up. Life is a gift, as are you.

I wanted to share with you some of the rings that were made on the Ireland retreat in May.

If you wondered what comes out of our creative day on retreat when most of the participants don’t come from a creative background, take a look..

This contemplative exercise does wonders to fine tune our mindfulness, concentration and insight. We spend the day with our attention on our breath and being heart centred while also taking notice of the times we succumb to our judgmental minds. Observing from this playfulness our conditioning and how critical our minds can be instills a humour and that is medicine.

When we fully let go of our expectations of how something will unfold, towards excellence or total failure and support lovingly the creative process, delight almost always arrives.
There is still space to join me to exercise your hands, heart and mind in the rhythm of your breath May or August of 2020 on the majestic west coast of Ireland.

I’d love to have you join me.
With love, a lotus and smile,


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