We can never get to where we want to go with fear as our companion

We can never get to where we want to go with fear as our companion

Since I've been home there has been a number of situations that made me reflect on the erratic faces of fear. So I want to talk about fear that can derail our life at times. 

Fear has an amazing capacity to hijack our positive outcome to our plans and dreams. So why do we feed such a soul depleting emotion? We all have it but we also have even more qualities in us that are love based.

When we trust and surrender in the present moment for the unfolding of what’s to come, whatever arises feels like a gift and not a fight. When we identify with fear it reminds us of all the things that can go wrong. When we put our energy into beautiful endless possibilities beyond our wildest imagination, guess what unfolds?  Can you imagine the future as a clear white canvas of possibilities?

Last night I was sitting around with my two roommates and one of them has decided to buy a place here in Guelph. She has been looking for a few months and it being a sellers market she would get super discouraged over and over. Yesterday there was a shift in her. She stood tall and was light with acceptance. She glowed. “What changed?” I asked. She had just decided to change her expectation and that it was a house/investment/place to live, period. It didn’t have to be her dream home and house her for the rest of her life. She allowed her fear that seemed to bring up every insecurity in her life to now be dimmed by the thought of all the amazing possibilities that could unfold. Since we never know anyway, let’s keep the torch of happiness, gratitude, love and kindness in our present moments.

The offer went back and forth a couple of times. At one sign back she had come into the kitchen with the same fearful defeated face I’ve seen before. It clearly said “I can’t” ‘what if..?” We talked for awhile, she went to meditate on what to do.  She decided to focus on all the positive qualities, strengths, talents and joy that she has and bring the determination of it into her manifesting. This was enough to snuff her fear and she signed the deal.

We all embody seeds of love and seeds of fear in us at all times. It is both a decision and a discipline as to which one we water. Happiness is our true nature but we have to practice cutting away negativity that blocks joy’s radiance that we can draw strength from.

Replacing anger with forgiveness, doubt with faith, aversion with tolerance and judgement with acceptance is a practice worth honing. This kind of mindfulness extends our capacity to breathe, be fully present and to love freely without expectation.

Take the perfect from the perfect, and only the perfect remains.


For you.. love, a lotus and a smile




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