true healing is possible

true healing is possible
I hope this note finds you with peace during these rather unhinged times.


This week I listened to a few teachers that had offerings that watered the seed of transformation which, if you look closely, we are all in together on a scale we’ve never experienced. How amazing. I couldn't help but link transformation to healing, so this became the subject of some mental and energetic dining this week. 


Transforming is collectively happening, in one way or another, directly or indirectly. Making it a true healing is my blanket prayer for each of us where we need it, and of course the planet too.


When we are in the mindset of healing, we are expanding our energy and there is space for new ways to unfold and balance to take place. We are open and see more clearly the options that we may not have seen before. In the mindset of healing and expanding our energy, we see beauty and the simple miracles that unfold around us all the time that would otherwise go unnoticed. When we are able to be fully present it's almost impossible to not feel gratitude and compassion.


I focused this week on observing my energy field when I was at peace, and again when I was agitated or fearful. There was plenty of opportunity for both scenarios. Positive energy spirals outward, and negative, fearful energy spirals inward. If we were to draw an outward spiral in the sand, its reach would be infinite. If we were to draw an inward spiral, no matter where we begin, we would meet the limitation of our flow very quickly.


When we succumb to fear our energy retracts bringing havoc, doubt and imbalance into ourselves on all fronts. I compared outward spirals to exhaling and inhaling full deep breaths and inward spirals to be breaths that are short and shallow. When I observe my breathing during anxious moments, I realize that it's barely there.


The moment we entered this world with our first breath, we experience newness. Then with every stage of growth is an equal stage of death. In order to be a toddler, we have to allow the baby phase to die. To become an adult we have to let the child phase die. In order to become a wise old crone we have to let the overly ambitious adult phase go. Every phase needs healing like it needs sleep.


I think I die a hundred times a day and each time something new births. Letting go becomes easier when you can see that you are making space for something else. The more I trust and surrender to this, the more I see it as a beautiful part of transformation with true healing.


Along the way we gather wisdom and we grow scars. We may taste ecstatic joy, get a glimpse of profound meaning and sometimes we mess up really badly, and that too is okay. All is part of the dance of life and healing.


The path of mindfulness invites us to turn over every stone we stumble upon. It may need to be simply embraced and accepted or forgiven and healed. Pema Chodron spoke this week about the effectiveness of leaning into the fire of discomfort rather than to pull away and ignore it. She says “Lean into the sharp points, breathe into the difficult situations and fully experience them rather than pull away. It builds in us courage to deal with the situation and avoid self deception that forms when we are trying to avoid discomfort.” In this way a true healing is possible.


Caroline Myss has a series of talks on FB and Youtube for these times. One that got my attention was that transformation accompanies trauma, displaying in us what needs to be transformed both in our lives and in society. It again is an opportunity to reboot and start anew.


Imagine if instead of waiting for breakdowns or catastrophes, we could embrace every day as an invitation to a healing. I think our energy would get brighter, clearer and lighter effortlessly.


Here are the links to Tami Simon's interview with Pema Chodron and the talk with Caroline Myss.


I hope you experience a kiss of healing with your morning coffee, your shower or bath, the first bird songs of the day that captures your attention, the smell of Spring or how you get to honour your every breath. True healing is a form of love and you deserve it.


x Gisele,
Love and healing from Mother India.. always








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