so incredibly loved

I’ve been reflecting lately on a Gandhi quote we engraved on dog tags years ago. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.“

Traveling in different communities and different cultures is a cornucopia in flavours of personal stories. Every one unique with an overtone of familiarity. Like a field of wildflowers. All unique yet needing the same things to survive. Nourishing each other’s existence directly or indirectly.

At the moment I am in Europe and besides the Haelan retreat in Ireland that I am very much looking forward to, it is a time of self practice. Sometimes when I am focused on deepening my own practice an inner voice questions what I’m doing for others.

Perhaps that conditioning is inherited from my mother. My mother Rita may as well have been Mother Theresa. She always believed that if you’re not actively helping others then you’re just lazy and selfish. LOL It was easy to understand how she arrived with this belief. She spent her early womanhood in the convent before leaving to become a mother. Eight children later, her life was always in service.

She did indeed hand down to, I believe, all her children the joy of serving others. However, that being said in any extreme is not sustainable and not healthy.

The Dali Lama said “compassion that is not firmly rooted in compassion towards the self is null and void.” Lao Tsu said “rest is not a luxury, it’s mandatory.” These are messages that I feel are not only important to be heard right now but also shared with others. Encourging those around us to take time to nurture whatever healing is for them is a healing for the world. And boy, does the world need healing.

Sometimes being in service to others can be as simple as a smile of recognition and acceptance. As I practice to deepen my understanding, gratitude and compassion, I’ll lose myself in the service of holding this space for all life brings.

So incredibly loved..

A month ago a friend and client reached out to me. Her birthday was coming up and in its reflection wanted to create a special ring that she could gift to people that imbued her life with meaning, love and courage.

Wow, what a beautiful project to be part of. So full of heart, I was honoured. We created a meditation ring with a mantra ‘so incredibly loved’. I took her handwriting and made 3D models we cast in silver and they became the spinning component of the meditation ring.

I am now wearing one of these rings and the energy that gets sparked by a gentle reminder of being so incredibly loved leaves me smiling and grateful. These are healing words I hope you bathe in regularly, especially towards the self.

Annie gave me permission to make a mold and offer the ring to the Mindful Necessities community. I’m happy to say that we did. ♥️ You will find this quote in the mantra drop down menu of any ring.

Until the next time.. I hope you feel so incredibly loved. Stay in touch.


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