Retreat Within

Retreat Within


Most people when they think of a retreat we think of a getaway, a short escape. While this is one fantastic version (and one that we are celebrating this month with our first ever international retreat in Ireland!) we really chose Retreat as our June theme for it's more general definition, "time taken to reflect and meditate" (Wikipedia). Doesn't that sound like something we could all use?

If you can get away on an actual retreat, it can be a beautiful way to rejuvenate yourself and reconnect with your soul and Mother Nature, however we believe that if we can learn to create a retreat atmosphere anywhere then we can enjoy the benefits even when travelling or time away isn't an option. Creating a sacred meditation space or an alter can give us the mental shift into a precious and more meaningful space and energy. Listening to a guided meditation or nature sounds while we meditate can mentally take us anywhere we can imagine for a brief period. In that moment we can retreat inward towards ourselves to find all the beauty that is within.

To celebrate our Retreat theme we are offering 20% off all books and journals, things that we believe can help us retreat inwards... to take the time to reflect and meditate. Also, if you are fortunate enough to get away on a retreat somewhere then books and journals can be wonderful items to travel with. Please be sure to use the code "Retreat" to receive the discount.


As you may already know, it the wonderful stories that we receive back from you that motivates and fills us up every day. I recently received an email from a client who mentioned that she bought a Book of Life as graduation gifts for both of her daughters. Brenda says her older daughter wears hers proudly and is always asked about it and her younger daughter is about to receive hers. We loved that notion so much that we decided that for the month of June, in celebration of all the graduates out there we would offer 20% off of our Book of Life collection, including Banglemania and our companion bangles (again, please use the code Retreat). Another one of our long-time clients and close friends, Michele Chaban, recently referred to her Book of Life pages as 'perfect subjects for meditation and contemplation'. What a beautiful description!


As mentioned earlier, our Ireland retreat kicks off this week. Gisele has been there for the last month prepping for the event. We are very excited about it and will be posting photos and snippets of the experience on our Facebook page so you can peek in over there and join in on the journey. Here's a pic from Gisele on her way to yoga... sigh... ;-)

Do you have a story you would like to share? Join us anytime on Facebook or through our blogs. You guys breathe life into ours.

With gratitude always,

Gala and the Mindful Necessities Team

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