Oh So Grateful

The two week sojourn in France with my grandson is coming to an end and there is a permanent smile on both our faces.

Plum Village is amazing always, even in weather hitting 45 degrees. A gentle week in nature with a beautiful community practicing mindfulness together is without question healing. From sitting meditation to walking and service meditation to dharma talks and dharma sharing, the heart expands.

Though deep listening and mindful speech it becomes very evident that we all suffer and we all know joy. They are not separate from one another, in fact they enrich one another. Nor are we separate from one another. Life is a gift.

Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at beings with eyes of compassion. TNH

Have a wonderful Sunday.


For mindfulness retreats at Plum Village or other of Thich Nhat Hahn’s monasteries or mindfulness practice centres: visit https://plumvillage.org/

If you want to know more on retreating with me in 2020, visit https://www.mindfulnecessities.com/
Hoping this note finds you joyful exactly where you are.

With love, a bow and a smile


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