Oh India..

Oh India..

Traveling with Leigh Blake and team from Keep A Child Alive is humbling

me more every day. With Leigh’s immense love for the children in their care,

she doesn't rest until they exude happiness. The team so far exists of Leigh,

her young but very involved son India, delightful assistant Noelle from NY,

amazing KCA representative for India Narendra and myself-

here to collect gems, inspirations and a deeper understanding

of the work of KCA as seeds to create the pieces that will be auctioned

at their big annual fundraiser in NY in Oct.

We arrived in Delhi July 19th and spent 2 days in the old city with

a few meetings and settle into the new time and culture.

July 21 we flew to Jodhpur and between the 21st -24th

we traveled between Jodhpur and Jalore to a KCA Care Home for

30 children affected by AIDS. The joy of sharing days with

these kids was an added giftfor me


To date the trip has been of shocking beauty, tastes of heaven,

acts of kindness, raw venerability, trust, tears and laughter,

and bouquets of color and contrast

in every imaginable dimension.

Tomorrow we’re taking the train to Jaipur.. land of gems for me

to get to work and another KCA Home Care Centre

for everyone else. To learn more of KCA, go to


meet a few of these beautiful kids..

from India with love, G
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