living on trust

living on trust
I send you this note hoping your day will be sprinkled with wonder. I was talking to an artist friend this week on the mutual disposition of living on trust these days and what that means. While the world has been put on hold until the pandemic can be more manageable, many areas of how the world rolls are being reassessed. Never have we seen this kind of change in the world so fast without a war. We are adjusting our lives to make space for social, economic and political changes on a vast scale. Many people that I listen to are also deeply assessing the direction of their volition, including me. 

These times are demanding that we pay attention to know when to deadhead the wilting blossoms and when to fertilize the root system to add support for new life. So many are taking the time to be still and present with what will naturally arise. It’s remarkable and beautiful to watch, even in a time when the undercurrent is scary as hell. 

The year in India, even though I can work remotely, has been predominantly retreating within. Study, meditation, contemplation, Qigong practice while trying to keep aprised to the pulse of Mindful Necessities and also be responsibly current with what is going on in the world. Trying to be wholesome and strong in the body while feeding wholesome thoughts and emotions during these times of uncertainty. Then making an unwavering commitment to trust. When I was talking to my friend and had to say out loud that I am living on trust, there was a pause, even in me. With both of the retreats cancelled this year and not promoting our beautiful product much, I am left with little but trust, which all my life has been a worthy friend. 

I was reminded of a time many years ago when I was with my young sons at a friend’s lovely cottage in the Muskokas. We were having coffee one morning and he came to gain the attention of the boys to address them acknowledging the accolades of their mother. He went on to talk about the beautiful world I created all by myself. He painted a picture that I would not only go out on a limb but could be found dancing delight on the highest branches of a tree. And I had no safety net, just courage, creative genius and trust. In the beginning it was lovely to have your praises sung, then all I could hear was ’n-o s-a-f-e-t-y n-e-t !!! These words really rattled my foundation.

All my life I was independent and created for a living. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that the Universe didn’t provide a natural safety net. The next few months after this visit left me insecure and questioning everything I was doing. Eventually with lots of contemplation I resumed to the importance of trust. Trust that what is in our heart, if in alignment with purpose and bringing joy will flourish and what ideas couldn’t be supported would fail. Then I guess I would fall out of the tree and trust that grace will mend the injuries. And of course like the phoenix, some of the greatest achievements on the planet arose from big mistakes. 

So on this note, don’t get discouraged with these uncertain times and give your reigns to fear. No matter what the situation is, fear is our greatest enemy. It disables us at the core. The calling now is for all of us to finely tune into our hearts with tremendous patience until a little silence and peace of mind arises. It’s where a clear path will lay. These are intense and crazy times, these are electrifying times and most important these are our times. Times that deserve our alertness, contemplation and deep within, trust. 
Namaste, from India with love, 
out on a limb..
Om mani padme hum
HH Dalai Lama
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come walk with me..

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