Happiness is simple, unhappiness is complicated

Happiness is a mindful pursuit
Happiness is simple, unhappiness is complicated. Or as Thich Nhat Hanh would say “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”

Yesterday while walking I was thinking of the courage needed just to to go through life and felt a real clarity that courage is closer to you than you can imagine. If you want to know where courage lies, put yourself in a world where you have examples around you. It’s often outside of our comfort zone where we pay more attention. Go there. Don’t look for heros on a movie set, look for hero in everyone you meet.

During this Camino we were talking about where our teacher shows up. For many, including me, the backpack you carry can even be a teacher. If your bag is too heavy your mind will go mad as your body starts to suffer. What does that bag represent? What part of our life is too heavy or painful to carry? What will you do about it? Illumination often leads to some resolve.
We met a 25 years old girl who has been walking a very tough Camino already for three weeks before we met. She is studying so she carries a computer in her backpack. She’s also diabetic so she carried all of her apparatus to manage her insulin control and then there is the basics, clothes, toiletries, food, water etc. Her bag must have weighed 15 kg where my ceiling for comfort, or tolerance is under 14 pounds.

This girl is one of the happiest people you will meet along the way. She has a heart centred smile and a laugh that’s for just about every person she meets. You may feel her suffering but you’ll clearly see it is not her focus or her demise. Her disposition and bright light certainly isn’t because her conditions are better than others. What seeds do you water?

How far do you have to go to meet someone that inspires courage in you? They may be sitting next to you right now. ;)
Have a remarkable day and celebrate the heros around you, especially the profound one in the mirror.

From Spain with love, a bow and a smile,


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