Dream Out Loud

Meditation_Ring_3_Steps We are asking you - our dear community - to Dream Out Loud with us. You've inspired us to keep granting wishes. What fun! During the summer months we put a call out for you to send us your wishes. We asked that you tell us about a piece of jewelry that inspires you and why. The outpouring of heartfelt stories and wishes for others was beautifully inspiring. We granted one wish and gifted that piece of jewelry to a lovely woman who wished for her youngest daughter to have a mala as she headed to university this fall: "...the mala would be the perfect thing for her to cherish and to use when she is feeling overwhelmed."  Because the decision was so difficult we have decided to make this an ongoing offering. We want to hear your stories. How the work has helped you and will continue to be a part of your journey - whatever your path. Let's continue to walk together, strengthen and inspire each other and most importantly Dream Out Loud! Here's how to play: • Email us your wish along with your story of why the piece of jewelry inspires you and how it will enhance your life. Or… if it’s a wish for someone else, tell us what’s in your heart for them. • Send the item name or photo of your desired piece to: grace@tbds.org • The gift recipient and story will be announced in our mid-month museletter. Be sure you’re signed up!  

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Also in Mindful Necessities ~ Blog


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