count your blessings, literally

count your blessings, literally

Gala and I were working on the website this week and realized that we never shared the story of one of my favourite products, the Abacus mala. 

As a jewellery designer I was creating gem malas long before founding Mindful Necessities. One night I had a dream that I was using a mala but it was an abacus mala and a gift from a sage and teacher. It was completely different than anything I've ever seen, made or used. I felt deeply connected to source and was in awe.

When I awoke in the morning I was filled with a sense of wonder.  Where did that mala come from? I sat on the edge of the bed for quite awhile trying to bridge the real world with the dream world and could still feel the vibration of this mala in my hand. Where did I go in my sleep? 

Since the Abacus was the first true instrument for counting and there is nothing of greater value to count than our intentions and our prayer, it must exist in a mala, no?  As the day went on I realized that I had never encountered one and went on a mission to find what I would need to recreate this experience. Beautiful wood beads, silver chain that is fine enough to go through the wood yet strong enough to endure the use. A healing gem to be placed at the nape of the neck and at the tassel (between the sacral and the solar plexus chakra). Either blue kyanite to balance all the chakras or raw ruby to encourage following one's bliss.

All components came together not only fluidly but exactly as experienced in the dream. Once again I was left with gratitude for being gifted a vision and everything needed to manifest it. I cannot take claim of the design but thanks for being able to be an instrument to it's existence.  It was once again a perfect example of surrendering into trust, surrendering any attachment to outcome and be ready to witness the perfect unfolding of a co-creation. 

What will happen when we get out of our own way? Well, that's a whole other chapter. ;-)

Using an abacus mala is kinetic with the motion of every bead with every intention isolated from the others. Prayer in motion floating on an unbroken strand of silver.  Silver is a tremendous conduit for conjuring patience and perseverance to the wearer while amplifying the qualities emitted by the gemstone. 


On every bead I chant for the world I know and the world I don't. 
May you be happy, May you be free from suffering, May you be at peace.


 Meditative | Experiential | Retreats, Ireland  2019. 
May 12th - 18th and September 1st - 7th.  

Nothing like it!
Come.. Retreat with me.

email me for details.                


I unfold my breath unto life like the opening of a thousand petals,


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