This is one of my favourite times of the year for the opportunity to take stock, and especially take advantage of new beginnings.
Just like doing a profit and loss for your year end, but with a broader brush stroke. Sit with the profit and loss of your year's experiences and encounters for how it influenced your very being. Then reconcile with the cosmos and higher powers/inner powers the navigation for how you walk in the world. How will you embrace the coming trip around the sun?
For years I have shared the exercise of reflecting on the year that has past, personal and global, highlights and lowlights. Then write from it your projections for a new year. This exercise is ideally done on the last day of the year or the first of the new year.
I try to dedicate some time, half day or full day for precious solitude, meditation, reflection and write what arises. I have written in poster form, journal form, painted it, doodled it. It's an exercise not done to measure accomplishments or failures, but one for reflection and growth.
If you want to try it, prepare writing paper or a journal, pens, pencils or colours that inspire you. Once you have everything you need to spark a little joy and gratitude, have a reflection meditation for 20 or 30 minutes. After meditation, make yourself a cup of tea, coffee or any favourite beverage and cosy up to write. Turn your phone off, try to minimize outward distractions so you can be fully present for you and the gifts of your life.
Release to paper everything that arises from the year past that has lingered in your mind or affected how you feel in your life. See this exercise as the witness with no judgment, just an observation. Write it all down.
Enjoy sitting with introspection of 2019 and all its challenges and glories. Assuming every element of our life has components of teacher or teachings, where does it point you? If every experience had to be championed by the heart, what would it whisper in your ear? What would you want to approach differently in 2020 or request the grace of more.
Here we are at the gate of a new decade. What are your aspirations? What do you need to support them? Courage, wisdom, fearlessness, creativity? They are closer than you think. When you feel inside the things that scare you, lean in rather than pull back. It will show you that nothing is as fearful as fear itself.
As Alan Clements, author of Instincts for Freedom would say "blaze on with fearless heart."
I was hoping to send a reflection meditation for you, but I am traveling. If the opportunity to record and share arise, know that I'll harness it and send it as possible.
Until then, Happy New Year and the opportunity for new beginnings,
present moment, wonderful moment
I will be in Ireland and Italy for the next two weeks to work on details of our May retreats.