And the winners are...

Choosing the 2012 nine new pages to add to 
the Book of Life Collection took a few days longer 
than we thought with all the amazing entries.
T h a n k  y o u  e v e r y o n e.

Those whose pages we chose will be gifted with 
that page personalized. Make sure we have your
address to send it to. There were duplicates, if we 
missed your name, apologies and please send the
original email with your suggestion to 

Here are your pages suggestions that we felt
nurture these times.

Both winners and honorable mentions
will also be able to purchase all pages
for 1/2 price until April 30th.
Tara Greene

Laina Shulman
Shari S

Janet Burke
+ 1 anonymous from One of a Kind

Meghan Telpner

Kaitlyn Richard

Salimah Kassim-Lakha

Nicole Vetere

Tara Greene

Bev Breen

These are mock ups so please give us until the end of April
to produce the new pages.

What fun.. thank you all that participated from the whole
TBDs team. We love the additions.

xo G

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