A Mindful Birthday

A Mindful Birthday

I invite you to join me on my birthday, Sunday October 30th in a 4 Hour Meditate-athon to champion marginalized people who suffer from depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. If you can't join our team for the challenge, perhaps you can sponsor us? Any amount helps.  

The Mindfulness Challenge 2016 - A Compassionate World was created by The Centre for Mindfulness Studies. There, they directly teach the marginalized and also train social workers to bring these mindfulness tools to the streets. How great is that!? Mindful Necessities Studio created a team and will be actively involved to raise money for the cause.

The good news for those of you who'd like to join us but think you couldn't do it.. It IS 4 continuous hours but in 20 minutes segments of various practices;-) So perhaps 20 min of sitting guided meditation, walking meditation, yoga, eating meditation, etc. You can choose a chair or floor cushion. These practices benefit so many in need, including you and me. Please join us on the mat or sponsor our team if you are able.

Please click the image below to view our team page where you can learn more about joining us in person or donating to the cause.


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Wishing you inner peace with ease, always.

with a lotus and a smile,


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