A gift | an invite | and a sale

A gift | an invite | and a sale

A gift.. I have recently downloaded a delightful and truly worthwhile app that was suggested to me by a loved one. It's free and fabulous. Let me pay the tip forward. It's a mindfulness app that has quickly become my favourite reach whenever I can use a practice, an inspiration or a healthier perspective.. As we get deeper into the holiday landscape that's difficult for so many people, this little app can be a great friend. 

Plum Village is a Mindfulness Practice Centre in southern France founded by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh over forty years ago. It's inhabited by monastics and practicing lay people. It's a spectacularly serene and offers various retreats year round should you ever have the opportunity. 

The app is created from various practices shared there and is filled with meditations of every nature, contemplations, resources, Q&A and bells. 

Go to your App Store and look for:

An invite..  Ireland is calling. Come with me for a walk along the Rhine peninsula, the Flaggy shore, into the hazel wood or Aran Islands. Come and deepen your mindfulness practice with meditation and creative inquiry. Come honour your body with a little gentle Celtic yoga. Feast on nutritious foods that you'll want recipes for.  Mostly come for an experiential week amidst the glorious landscape of the Burren that you will not forget.

The May retreat (May 12 - 18) in Ireland is exceptional. Being deep into Spring and surrounded with a burst of new life and promise is an added gift to the senses and the soul. If you're needing to rejuvenate your sense of self, it's a great time. There is still space. Couples are also welcome. To read more visit, 

The September retreat is women only, dedicated to the empowerment of women making change in the world. (Sept 1 - 7)

Email me: gisele@tbds.org

Book a retreat before Dec 31st and receive a copy of Jack Harrison's Celtic Yoga book. It's a beautiful and informative book. To know more of our amazing yogi facilitator, archeologist, musician, Irish folklorist, visit: 

A sale..  With any mala or meditation ring order you'll receive one of our Share A Heart pewter or antique brass necklaces in a size of your choice. They have been lovely popular gifts so you can treat yourself and another. Offer ends midnight, December 1st. 
Meditation rings.. 
Heart rocks..  


Wishing you a gloriously peaceful day and week.

Blaze on with fearless heart


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