2016 Reflection – Projection

2016 Reflection – Projection
2015 is leaving the station, disappearing in the mist and never to return. Will you give yourself the opportunity to reflect on the year passing? It’s that time where we up the ante on our goals and commitments that are too often created from a place of self loathing and feeling inadequate. Perhaps this year we give thanks for the simple blessings that are always around us and allow us to find warmth in our bodies and in our hearts. Let’s also thank our struggles and our suffering, for in them may be profound teachings that support the wisdom it takes to guide us in the existence we seek.

Thank you for the inspiration to expand our collections this year and grow the website beyond jewelry to everything that supports meditation, a mindfulness practice or simple a less stressed life. If you’ve not visited it lately, please do. We made it for you. I’d love to hear what you feel. www.tbds.org

It’s 2016, let’s reach for the sky with a sense of wonder and freedom. I believe in you, in me and the gift of this amazing opportunity that is already here.. life.



Also enjoy a special 8 minute New Years meditation by Melli O’Brien (founder of the Mindfulness Summit) This meditation invites you to sit with the reflection of what counts. Click on Melli’s picture and enjoy! I did it this morning and it was really nice.

signing off with a lotus and a smile,


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