The Gift of Reflecting & Projecting

Hello, hello. It's been awhile and I hope you've taken time for rest through the holidays that seem to be anything but downtime for most of us these days. Within the hundreds of people that I connected with this season, joy was very paramount and also present was a tremendous amount of deep suffering. If suffering is part of our human nature, why is knowing we have the tools to map our way though not obvious? We may not be able to change our circumstances but developing coping to thriving skills has never been more important. My pledge for 2015 will be dedicated to the art of letting go.
Last night my children and I did a favourite annual exercise of reflection to projection and  I invite you to try it. You'll need only two sheets of paper, lined or plain, a canvas or dedicate a couple of pages from your journal to this reflection. Sit silently with your favourite beverage in a non demanding environment and reflect on the year closing. Let your mind take you to it's highlights and lowlights and write them down. It can be physical, travel, emotional, historical, work disappointments, challenges, lessons or accomplishments. Whatever will help to embrace your year in a wholesome overview. You could even do it in pictures if you like or on your computer but the action of handwriting has always been more powerful for me. When your collage feels complete, sit with it for awhile and thank every item and person you've listed, even the painful memories as they come as teachers in our lives. Ask yourself what you're willing to let go of, are grateful for and need to nourish..
Start laying out the projections for 2015 on the other sheet.. Disciplines you'd like to hone, knowledge you'd like to attain, places you'd like to see, relationships you'd like to flourish and elements you'd like to give more of.
Have fun with it. A cellular shift seems to happen. Please share. I'd love to hear your stories   ;-)
Above is mine as an example although I'm quite sure that I'll be adding to it through today and tomorrow. This exercise is a creative and playful way to help us see the unfolding in our lives through a broader lens and attune to our optimum focus. Let 2015 bring you the most significant picture of happiness you've ever known then spread it through your community. Let 2015 deliver peace deeply and widely. Gisele

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