Rock being you | Ireland update | SALE 😉

Rock being you | Ireland update | SALE 😉
This week I was thinking about how challenging it can be to be who we are and live in our place of heart when there are so many directives and expectations that we should behave in a particular way. How we present ourselves to the world and how we think are so influenced by our upbringing, peers and culture.

In these days of political, social, economic and environmental unrest, it's easy to get lost in our learned character roles. Will we do the right thing, say the right thing, have the tools to surf discomforts, have the means to belong. Tired yet?

If you were to look into your heart right now, that place that brings you joy and bursts with the anticipation of fresh life force, what would be looking back at you? If it had a voice would it say? "Thanks for seeing me, I thought you forgot." or "Oh hi, or sigh, you are there." or "Hi again, love to play." "Hey, how many ways can we spread our love today?" or perhaps "Hello beautiful!"

We don't need to fit a set of parameters to belong. I think that when we are living in our heart we are living in an automatic place of belonging. Living in the world with a willingness to cultivate joy, passion and compassion is always welcomed among those with the same intention, the weary and the bitter. Everyone will heal a bit with a genuine smile. 

Today celebrate your authentic self and all the nuances of your uniqueness that nobody but you can be. How great is that? Smile to yourself for you. Take the courage if you need it to do a great act of love for yourself and then share it with another, or not. Others will still benefit indirectly.

Inhale, exhale, smile, release.

I celebrate you for you, that beautiful uniqueness that only you can do.
You need no other reason to celebrate yourself
but for the opportunity to awaken with another day of possibility ahead.


I'm traveling to Ireland on Friday to joyfully prepare and welcome the Spring retreatants joining me this year.

Although this retreat is full, there are still spots available for the Haelan Retreat,
  September 1 - 7  with special guest Michele Chaban MSW, RSW, PhD

It too will be coddled in the lush green hills and fertile limestone rock that edges the rugged Atlantic, whose air rejuvenates your lungs.  It too will be nurturing to the body, mind and soul with some of my favourite gifted locals that teach us ways to honour the moment and ourselves. It too will have the days start in meditation in our beautiful dwelling with crystal singing bowls. We'll feast, journey to sacred sites, do restorative yoga, contemplative art, forage and enjoy dialogues with Michele on the world of healing.  If this calls your name, visit:  
On the day when the weight deadens on your shoulders and you stumble,
may the clay dance to balance you.
And when your eyes freeze behind the grey window and the ghost of loss gets in to you,
may a flock of colours, indigo, red, green, and azure blue come to awaken in you a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays in the currach of thought and a stain of ocean blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours, may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours, may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow wind work these words of love around you,
an invisible cloak to mind your life. 

John O'Donohue

T H A N K   Y O U  sale

Thank you for the support of me being me in the world, in my heart. It's filled with gratitude, purpose and a clear understanding that I would not exist in the world, in this way if it weren't for you.

Honouring our journeys together and apart, 
please enjoy 
20% off any of our beautiful creations
site wide until midnight Saturday, May 4th. Visit:

with love, a four leaf clover and a smile


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