Notes from Gisele

castle Burren Region, Ireland One of my first nights in the Burren region of the west coast of Ireland, I was invited to hear a famous story teller named Eddie Lenihan in an intimate setting at a residence for the Burren College of Art. A little man with a long unruly beard, hair to match and the bubbly energy of a leprechaun.  He has spent the last 40 years collecting stories from the old people of Ireland. Has many books published on them for both adults and kids. My favourite take away from the evening, though the stories were fascinating was at his closing. He said
"A man without a story is no more account than a pig." (old saying as we all know that pigs are remarkably intelligent)
But in the days before TV and radio if you came into a home and couldn't tell a story, play music, dance or work you were considered useless and would be invited back no more."

Interesting, right? It's been maybe the last 50 - 75 years where dignity and value were connected to contribution. How did that slip away? We live in times where the underlying primary question is now "what's in it for me?" It's been well established that the I-centric life is leading us to more suffering, depression and anxiety. Great for the pharma boys but certainly not for the evolution of our own soul. How do we re-establish a healthier connection to the joy of giving?

So let's show up at each others' homes with a story, a song, an ear, a flower or working gloves. Let's exercise the directives of belonging and help the chemistry of happiness unfold.

Until next time, send love for all life G  

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