New Moon

art-by-mysticmamma-aquarius-pisces-newmoon Today marks a new moon in Aquarius. A beautiful time to reflect in the darkness of the moon and plant seeds to grow along with light. Here are some insights from Mystic Mamma: From Divine Harmony: …This powerful 29th degree Aquarius New Moon is all about anchoring in the Light but not doing it in a way to escape, deny or ignore the shadow. We do so that we can illuminate the shadow and help heal the rift and duality in ourselves and the world around us.” “…It’s about fully embodying our Light and our humanity- and as we do this for ourselves we contribute to the collective healing of the split in the world around us. …This powerful New Moon can initiate many things- and it up to us to set our intentions and choose the direction we want to head into. New Moons are like seeds, they need to be planted and fertilized and tended to with care. We have the power to birth something at this New Moon- be it a new life, a new direction in our lives, a baby, a creative project or a new awareness personally and collectively. “We have the visionary capacity of Aquarius teamed with the compassionate, altruistic energy of Pisces. The last two signs of the zodiac are most concerned with the plight of humanity and are focused on raising consciousness and realizing Oneness with all that is. From Cathy Pagano: This Aquarius/Pisces energy combines our Collective Mind and Heart, helping us slip into Pisces’ unified field of Love and Compassion.   “If we are going to emerge into a new reality, it is a reality where we recognize we are all one; we are one with the Earth and all of Nature, we are one with the Cosmos and we are one with the Quantum Field of Light.  We are Light beings, and we have to start living in that knowledge.  Read more: Mystic Mamma  

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