Name your wish..

Name your wish..
Name your wish & MINDFUL NECESSITIES may grant it. We've titled March 'Reciprocity Month' where we get to play out again immense gratitude for creativity, community and interconnection.
We are collecting wishes for items or workshops that inspire you and why. We keep hearing beautiful stories about how people are using our pieces to ground themselves in times of chaos or are using our work to find a practice for inner peace. We are all in this together. One community, one world, let's make it matter and make it beautiful. These stories inspire and keeps us going. We'd love to share some of those stories so others can find us.
•  Submit your wish in the comments below, whether for yourself or someone else.
•  Include the item name or link from our website of your wish piece.
•  The gift recipients and stories will be announced in our Museletter at the end of the month. Be sure you're signed up!
Florentine_BMoment_7 /shop/florentine-meditation-ring-a/This meditation ring would be so great for my dearest friend Catalina. It would be a wonderful reminder to help her find balance with the challenges and conflicts that she's faced with at the moment.  Simone O'Bannion







If you aren't already signed up for our Museletter you can do so on your right.

Good luck!

16 Responses

Benny Sanders
Benny Sanders

October 25, 2016

My wish would be for my wife to be able to wear a Florentine Meditation Ring (D). She is a dedicated yoga teacher, often holding free classes to help those in pain. Currently she is working on becoming an Activation Co-Ordinator to assist people with dementia to live more full lives in long term care. She is “all about kindness”.

Shelley Urlando
Shelley Urlando

October 25, 2016
For a few years I have been contemplating the wish for just the right meditation cushion. I hesitate putting an investment into one wondering is it going to be the right one. I saw today on instagram your post about the runa-chair so I thought I would check it out a little closer. When I visited your site I saw the opportunity to ‘name your wish’ and here I am…naming my wish. With loving kindness and gratitude.


October 25, 2016

Beautiful, thank you for sharing your wish!


October 25, 2016

They are wonderful! Thank you for sharing your wish :-)


October 25, 2016

My wish is for my dearest friend and soul-sister to be gifted with the beautiful Diamond Meditation Ring C. She is a truly caring and giving person who has recently lost her beloved fur-baby cat of 17 years. She is a part-time yoga teacher who loves sharing her passion for the practice and graciously gifts those around her with her uplifting energy and love. To gift her with such a beautiful ring will help her heart heal and forever remind her that with each passing moment that peace is always within her. Namaste my soul-sister.


October 25, 2016

You are a lovely friend. Thanks for sharing your wish!

Benny Sanders
Benny Sanders

October 25, 2016

Thank you very much for providing this opportunity to express ourselves. The pieces that you offer are wonderful and your “Name Your Wish” promotion is a thoughtful gesture to us. Namaste!


October 25, 2016
I would love to give my mother a Book of Life necklace. She is the most generous person I know, yet hesitates to buy or accept anything of value. She encourages everyone to discover who they are through genealogy and finding their purpose in life.


October 25, 2016

Hi Karla, Mothers often feel like they can’t buy or accept things of value… what’s up with that!? I think it’s time to shift that paradigm. ;-)
This is a beautiful wish for her. Good luck, thank you for sharing!


October 25, 2016

My dear friend Melissa has been going through a really rough time for a few years now, with grieving a parent and facing unrelenting health issues. Ganesh is very special to her and gives her comfort and strength, so my wish would be for her to have this necklace:


October 25, 2016

Hi Alison. Thank you for sharing your thoughtful wish. I sincerely hope things start to get a little lighter for your friend. Good luck!


October 25, 2016

As an elementary school teacher, I often find myself talking to excess out of necessity. This gets very painful for my throat so I’ve started seeing a Speech Pathologist in hopes of correcting the damage that has been building up over the years. I was astonished to learn that a significant amount of the challenges I’ve been experiencing with not only using my voice but also with overall stress and anxiety is related to the developed habit of not breathing properly! My therapist has assigned numerous breathing exercises to practice in addition to various voice exercises and has also recommended meditation. My wish is to be able to use the beautiful Quiet Courage Aquamarine Mala to help me follow my breath and stay focused during my meditation so that I can successfully disengage from the thoughts of the day and experience the full benefits that meditation can offer.


October 25, 2016

Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for sharing your story. As a mom of young children I have so much respect, gratitude, and appreciation for what you do as a teacher. :-)
Breathing deeply and mindfully can truly be life changing and something that we hope our work can encourage. Good for you for taking it on, and good luck in the contest!

email psychic readings
email psychic readings

October 25, 2016

I like the way you have expressed your views. With such great knowledge comes a great mind. It has always been great to read about this topic but your one was one of the best I have read till date.

Lyall Sanders
Lyall Sanders

October 25, 2016

Dear Gala, My step-mother came into our lives when I was 9 years old. She was an Elementary school teacher from the time that she as about 18 years old. Mary Stamps began her career as the teacher in a one room school in Markham. Even though there were times that we did not see eye-to-eye, she has always tried to bring us up to do right, and to strive to better things. My mom is now 94 years old, and continues to live on her own in an apartment. Even though my father passed away about 14 years ago, my mom still is there for us, making sure that we have family time together with my youngest sons. My wish is that she could have the “Blackboard of Gratitude”. She has been grateful in her life for the blessings bestowed upon her and we are grateful for her presence in our lives.


October 25, 2016

Hello Lyall. Thank you so much for your beautiful and heartfelt reply. Your step-mother sounds like a very special woman. Unfortunately this contest ended back in March, however we may repeat it again in the new year so please stay tuned!
Warmly, Gala

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