Irish Retreat - seeking sacred

Irish Retreat - seeking sacred

Today we are entering day three of the Ireland retreat. The overall theme we are working with is Seeing Sacred. Taking the opportunity to quieten our minds enough to experience the sense of miracles unfolding all around us in the present moment. Allowing these natural wonders to calibrate with every cell of our being to heal and re-balance.   Day One - ARRIVING. We observed the process of arriving on all levels.  It’s always interesting to me how long it takes to become fully present physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I’ve been here for over a month and I still feel as if I am still arriving.

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Day Two we focused on nourishment to fill the well of our body, mind, inner child and inner sage. The forecast had lots of rain but what you see in the pics shows differently. This day we were gifted. It did in fact rain.. When we were indoors eating or doing yoga only;-)

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More to come... ;-)


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