How to Incorporate Smudging Into Our Everyday

SMUDGE_small Whether you want to clear the energy in your home or you feel like you need to refresh your body and mind, smudging can be a beautiful ceremony to cleanse and renew. The art of smudging is an ancient Native American tradition of purifying the air by burning sacred herbs (white sage, sweet grass, cedar, palo santo) . Here at the tbds studio we try to start each day with a smudge. It is such a powerful way to begin the work day and sets the tone for a productive and mindful experience. We aim to create a soothing environment that nourishes the work we do, while honouring the notion of ritual. This has been vital in the process of building a strong foundation at The Barber's Daughters. If you haven't tried smudging before, here is a little how to guide to invite this sacred ceremony into your everyday. Burning white sage releases negative ions into the air which research has shown leads to a more positive mood. This purifies and cleanses the space. You will feel the effects immediately.
1. Place the herbs in an abalone shell, or a clay bowl, and light them. Then gently blow out the flame, letting the material continue to smolder.
2. Take that smoke and metaphorically wash your hands in the smoke, take some over your eyes, your ears, your heart, and your brain. Breathe a little bit in, and waft a little bit over your body.
3. Once finished, you can leave the bowl in a safe place and let it burn, filling the room with fragrant smoke. Treat any leftover ashes with intention. A proper way to dispose of them is to take them outdoors and leave them on the earth.
4. We are not supposed to carry or keep those ashes. It’s what’s left over from that ceremony of cleansing yourself. In Native American tradition, their spiritual beliefs are that what you clean off goes somewhere and it’s contained in those ashes and it should be put out.
How-To Guide c/o: Lisa Charleyboy and Spirituality & Health

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