buy less | buy better

Our days of consumerism is ruining the planet faster than it's ability to rejuvenate. Do we really need all the stuff we buy? Has the thrill of a cheap find surfaced our senses to not caring or feeling connected to a bigger picture, even each other? What happened to the days where when we fell in love with something, we would save our money to buy it, cherish it forever then proudly hand them to future generations. Can we enjoy foods as they come out of the ground and have the most to offer rather than excessively packaged and preserved foods that tax our bodies as much as the planet? Can we buy clothing that supports local sustainable makers or pre-loved clothes? Can we take care of and hold onto our computers and phones longer, rather than upgrade to every new model? Can we find happiness living in the amount of space we need rather than what our neighbour's have? Can we live with only what we love and not feel the pressure of keeping up with the marketed trends of colour, style, shape and size? Even if we rearrange all the aspects of our outer world every day until we die, it will not bring us satisfaction. We can be the change by nurturing our internal worlds. Feeding our minds and souls with the tools of kindness, contentment and wisdom. Remembering that happiness can only be found in the present moment is a wonderful place to be still. Yes, we The Barber's Daughters too are creators of stuff. Please don't buy our work just to have another thing. It is created to constantly remind us that peace and our true values in life are within us. Wear it in this way to know that wherever you are, you are home and it is precious. Click here for the article THINKING HUMANITY: You will want to recycle everything after seeing these photos   sending love to all Gisele  

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