Almost Spring..

Happy Almost Spring, Let this note find you happy, healthy and resting as much as you're working. I am failing miserably on the third but am so grateful that I love my work. lol The Barber's Daughters studio is busy prepping for the Yoga Conference at the Toronto Convention Centre next weekend. Fri Mar 22 - Sun 24th. It is a great outing and yes, I'll have the meditation rings there. I have 30 passes to give out on a first come basis. Email me as soon as you can;-)
PLEASE NOTE:  I will NOT be at the One of a Kind Spring, but will be there with bells on for Christmas. ~  ~  ~ The studio will be open this weekend Saturday and Sunday12 - 5. Come by.. Love to see you. We are also open during the week 11 - 6 just not often on weekends. 688 Richmond St W. just W of Tecumseh 416-979-3456 ~ ~ ~ and.. Have you submitted your Book of Life page suggestions?? People are digging deep and sharing awesome sentiment. Call ends Mar 31st with page announcements Apr 3rd. Win your silver page, inscribed with gratitude. email May you be happy, Gisele

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