What's in a name?

What's in a name?

You may have noticed that The Barber’s Daughters has been evolving for a while and broadening our scope to serve us all better. We dedicated January as the month of Renewal and hoped that message was spread as far and wide as needed. It’s so important to remember that renewal simply awaits for your prompt.

Through a month of reflecting on renewal, we ourselves realized it’s time to change our name. That was big. Although The Barber’s Daughters name will always be in the lining of what we have become, we have changed the company name to MINDFUL NECESSITIES. It is what we are dedicated to and therefore it is time to have a new name that will properly reflect that.


My beautiful daughter Gala has started to work with us to help us better serve the community and free me to create, lead workshops and retreats. You will love her presence.

We will continue to contemplatively create and curate items that best support inner peace to help us walk taller and freer in this frenetic world we all live.

The MINDFUL NECESSITIES website will soon have a chapter of education, workshops, retreats and downloadable meditations for different needs. Stay tuned..


Our theme for February is Evolution. For us it’s becoming Mindful Necessities, what does evolution look like for you?  Finding where to look for peace, having less stress, less triggers? Hmm, yes I am posing the question.

To honor evolution, you, leap year and our lovely website, we’re offering 1/2 price on a second item of equal or lesser value on online orders, should you need anything..  take advantage. ;-)

Thank you for being here, may we continue to walk each other home,


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Also in Mindful Necessities ~ Blog


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