we are always on route yet perfect where we are

we are always on route yet perfect where we are

We are by nature always in motion. From our waking hour to our return to sleep each day, each month, each year. From our birth to our death.  No matter what we do, where we go, who we share experiences with or what they are, the motion is life. Even in the present moment that we are in. Every inhale is fresh life and every exhale becomes the past.

Keeping peace in our motion, takes practice. As the days in India are coming to a close, agitation has been on the rise. Between getting the details organized for travel, too much thought towards days that are not yet mine or already reminiscing on ones that have been recently spent brings lots of mental irritations. Hmm.. hello old friend.

Fortunately with a little help from the breath,  I’m reminded that the most important journey in life is the one that unfolds between the head and the heart. This brings me clarity and understanding of what is important. And as the heart has a profound grasp of the present moment, there you’ll find me, timelessly present here until there.






For those of you who are interested in coming on the Haelan Retreat in Ireland this September with myself and the wonderful Michele Chaban MSW, RSW, PhD, come and talk to us at A Mindful Society Conference at the end of May.
For more info on the mindfulness conference, visit: https://amindfulsociety.org/  Or visit our website: https://www.mindfulnecessities.com/pages/haelan-retreat-ireland-with-michele-chaban 



Thanks for taking the time to read my letters. I hope some of these reflections or lessons shared bear fruit or act as a mirror of your true magnificent life’s unfolding.

With love, a lotus and a smile


ps. In the last email I shared that while breathing through the nostril is cool on the right and warm on the left. I wrote that wrong. They are actually warm on the right and cool on the left. Such a profound complex miracle the human body is. ;-)

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