the simple joy of being | spring equinox

the simple joy of being | spring equinox
In this morning’s meditation practice I started the usual dedication to the wellness of all beings, when I realized my own sense of being was anything but overflowing. The well was far from bountiful, so to have energy to offer to anyone, including myself was not going to be so fruitful. It was clearly time for a reset.


As I settled into my body with my breath, I started to visualize the joy of being. I imagined it in the form of light that affected first the crease of my lips to a gentle smile, then I let the energy of that be what I breathed in and out. 


The simple joy of being has no condition and no boundary. It doesn’t have to be safe and sanitized. It can penetrate through the most stubborn disdain. We were all born with access to the simple joy of being. This good energy is self perpetuating and needs nothing from us in return. 


Around the room and around the world, it's impossible not to feel the collateral damage of this pandemic. Some of us hold this sensed pain in our bodies and some hold it in our emotions. Sometimes it's easier to squint to minimize how much suffering we take in than to open wider to vulnerability and absorb also the simple joy of being. 


I began the morning practice with tremendous back pain and wondered if sitting would be possible. Rather than let the body’s pain dictate my experience, I chose to let this lightness of being wash over and nourish me. I acknowledged with gratitude every amazing part of my body that was not in pain and by doing so, gave permission for the painful parts to feel fully supported. The more supported my pain felt, the lighter it became. This was a first and was totally effective. I would recommend it fully to anyone carrying burdens. Let the strong parts of you cradle and carry the tender and the wounded. 


With Spring Equinox here, there is no greater time for growth and sparks of life and hope to feed the well. To be able to witness the buds and blossoms awaiting showtime, the thawing of the earth and change of colours. To hear new bird song and feel the warming of the sun on our skin as we minimize our layers. This is medicine that can help us meet the struggles in the eyes of others and in the eyes we meet in the mirror with loving support.


In the light of Spring, let your joy of being be boundless and nourish the opportunity to be everyday grateful.


with love, a bow and a smile,





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