The time is here for the One of a Kind Show and Sale. Hooray! Preparation is over and we're psyched. I LOVE this event. No matter how tiring it can be
there's a world of beautiful people that I only seem to see at this show
and always look forward to embracing. If you're getting this email, chances are...
This has been an awesome year of learning and growth in a broader spectrum than I ever dreamed.
The work that came out of my travels, retreats and schooling for Contemplative End of Life Care include
furthering the The Book of Life collection, Being Peace seals, Sharing Heart collection
and the Keep a Child Alive project.
If you've not been on our site for awhile, check out these collections and test
our new zoom feature. It'll allow you to inspect quality and detail. Love to know what you think.
NEW for the OOAK, not yet on the website: I've had requests for 3 years for the chain of rubies I wear. We finally created Companion gem chains that can be coupled with any message necklace. We did ruby, amethyst, emerald, peridot and citrine and will have the metaphysical properties printed to go with them at the show and they sell for $50. strand.
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This year I want to introduce you to my blessings, those I'm honored to work with at the show.
The Barber's Daughters Posse.
Francisca Dennis ~ soulful sister, model, author, mother of 6.
Gala Theriault ~ angel daughter, mother, entrepreneur of Springful Living.